See What People Are Saying

"Drew's Story"
Before I started going to Crossfit 970, I was able to sleep in, I wasn’t sore and didn’t have to deal with Steve or Ryan. Sounds like a sweet life to me. While that might sound like the ideal life, I did find that a rather sedentary life seemed like it was making me age faster than I liked. Not that there is anything wrong with getting older, I just didn’t like how I felt. I was a high school and college athlete, so I am not unfamiliar with working out, facing challenges, and growing from them and I really enjoyed the competition. I went through my phases of going to the gym, watching myself for hours in the mirror lifting the same weights and doing pretty much the same routine. It got boring. It was hard to stay motivated. I knew I needed to get back into a routine, but I just hated coming up with my own, because it was always the same.
I had heard of Crossfit, knew people that did it and honestly, they kind of turned me off to it. My brother-in-law decided to start going to a gym and raved about it. This was good, because he wasn’t the stereotypical cross-fitter. It only took him about 6 years to finally convince me to join a gym. He raved about Crossfit 970 and said it wasn’t your typical gym, and I agree. Everyone is down to earth, which makes for a great culture. Once I was tired enough of being a slug, I decided to go into the gym and talk to someone and get a feel for it, so I did. I met LaRae (yay!) and Steve (boo!). For a lot of things in my life I’m just a jump-all-in kind of guy and that’s what I did.
What I love about the gym is I don’t have to plan a single workout, and I enjoy the variety. I am more of a weights guy and enjoy those types of workouts more, but I appreciate the challenge of doing things that I never did before like the gymnastics movements (which I am getting a little better at). Instead of sleeping in and not being sore, I get up and the horrific hour of 5 am and subject myself to whatever torture was programmed for that day and question why. Every. Single. Day. And every day I am glad that I went. I’ve heard Steve say that you should do something hard every day, and Crossfit is my ’something hard’. I’ve met great people, which add to the fun of the after-workout conversations. And I guess Steve and Ryan really aren’t all that bad after all. (That tasted terrible coming out of my mouth.) I am in the best shape I’ve been in since high school and college. Thanks for creating a great gym!

"Dennis's Story"
I was first introduced to Crossfit in 2011 through a friend that asked if I could paint a mural of Pukie the Clown for a crossfit gym that opened near-by. That led to a couple of other murals for some other gyms.
I didn't actually dive in and experience what Crossfit was until 2013. I have no idea what the workout was, but it had rowing and wall balls, and all that I can recall past that is sitting in my car for half an hour, unable to drive the 2 miles home.
Fast forward 4 years when I moved to Loveland and I was introduced to 970. It was still Norco at the time and in the spot next to Tri- City. Once I started going to the 11 class my perspective on what "regular" human beings can do completely flipped upside down. The classes were a bit smaller back then, and a bit different in style, but the work ethic and sense of community was just as inspiring as it is today.
Being a part of this group opened the doors for a level of personal growth that has become the foundation of who I see myself as today. I can't do enough to express my gratitude to Brandon, Ryan and Steve, and everyone else that make up this amazing group of people.

"Delaney’S STORY"
I started CrossFit in 2015 with my mom as a way to supplement playing volleyball and tennis. I always thrived off of being on a team and being involved in CrossFit felt the same way. Fast forward to 2018 and I was continuing Crossfit while away at college. It filled the void of no longer being involved with a team sport and created a community for me while being away from my family. On breaks, I would join my sister and mom at Crossfit 970 and quickly felt this was exactly where I wanted to be when I came home from school.
COVID hit and sent me home from college, for good, Crossfit 970 was right there. I had to quickly transition my life from Crossfit Gunnison,back home to 970. And it was exactly that. Back home. Immediately I felt the support of the coaches and members. Around this same time, I also had wrist surgery which interfered with a lot of my regular movements. The coaches at 970 always had modified movements for me and I felt like I was getting a great workout even though I was injured. Ever since then, Crossfit 970 has truly been another home.
As I have started my teaching career, I rely on 970 as an outlet after work, a safe space to throw some weights around, and a good place to hang out with good people. Since the beginning, I have noticed a lot of physical and mental changes with myself. I remember the first time I did a workout with wall walks; I could barely do them. I kept falling and it ultimately ended in tears. The coaches at CrossFit 970 don’t let this kind of thing keep people down. We practiced and practiced, and I was able to complete an entire wall walk workout with NO TEARS and NO FALLING!
I can see a change in my body and the way I’m able to go about everyday life. At school I’m able to move around with my students easier, I enjoy my outdoor activities more, and overall, I just feel good. There’s a good feeling associated with being stronger than your average friend :) Thank you Crossfit 970!

"Laura's Story"
My name is Laura Dohrmann. I’m a stay-at-home mom with three daughters (9, 9, 7), my husband, Greg, and our two dogs. I’ve been a member at 970 for almost two years now.
Prior to starting at 970 I’d done many years of CrossFit on and off. I had plenty of experience but 970 has blown all other CF experiences out of the water. Between the excellent (and challenging 🤣) programming, superior coaching, and incredible athlete camaraderie I’ve found a new fitness home. I’m primarily an 8:30am-er and try to make it in at least 4-5x/week.
Since starting at 970 I’ve grown in my athletic capacity as well as my technique and see frequent PRs and improvements in all areas. Not to mention, I’ve made some of my greatest friends from 970.
I appreciate that coaches take the time to get to know their athletes personally as well as athletically and are always striving to modify each workout for each athletes needs to challenge them, help them grow and keep the intention of the workout in mind. No one size fits all programming/scaling at 970!!!
It's also so encouraging to see such care and investment made by the owners back to the gym. Not only in their time spent but also the investment into new equipment, improvements to the facility and programs for the members.
If you’re considering CrossFit for the first time or looking for a gym in the Northern CO area I highly recommend stopping in for a trial class or two at 970, you will not be disappointed!

"Lindsey's Story"
I joined CrossFit970 a little over four years ago. I had just moved to Colorado and had started CrossFit about a year earlier. I had fallen in love with the sport and knew that finding a good CrossFit gym in Colorado was a top priority for me. Over the past year it had become “my hour” and I was enjoying learning new skills and adding more weight to the bar. From the first time I walked in the door I felt welcomed by the owners, coaches, and members. I immediately knew 970 was where I wanted to be. I was blown away by the facility, the programming, and the coaches.
Fast forward four years and I couldn’t be happier with my choice. I love 970 because no matter who you are, you will be challenged and encouraged - whether it’s your first-time trying CrossFit or you’re a serious athlete looking to improve to the next level. The programming is truly top level and I have seen improvements in my fitness across the board.
There’s never a day I walk through these doors when I’m not thankful to be there. Thankful to be surrounded by amazing people, to have a chance to better myself and to cheer on others as they do the same.